How difficult would it be to go twelve hours with no interaction with media? Nearly impossible. This was my answer when initially asked to ponder the question, and this is my answer now that I have attempted the experiment. It would be very difficult for me to go without any type of media for twelve hours on a normal day; everyday I use my cell phone, the internet, listen to the radio, and read from various news outlets--I encounter countless types and forms of media without even taking notice.
Not long after starting my media-less day, I quickly realized it would not last long as I needed to find out what time I had to work and my only option was to check my email--Strike One! I stayed strong for a while after giving in to my email--it was easier while at work--but upon receiving multiple messages from my mother, I had to give in once again to media and use my cell phone to contact my mom--Strike Two! Television is on constantly at work, but I kept myself from watching as much as possible. After leaving work, my urges the temptation to use media became much stronger. When I return to my small apartment my roommate is watching TV, and I slide past him to my room. Once in my room, free of media distractions, I found myself in a state of utter boredom. I could not read, search the internet, or watch television; I did not know what to do with myself.
After completing this experiment, I found the most difficult part for me was avoiding the use of my cell phone, email, and television. I am required to use the internet for this course as well as another, and use my email and phone to communicate important everyday messages. While it was difficult for me to avoid surfing the internet and reading from various news outlets, the hardest thing for me was resisting the usage of my phone and email. I do not have facebook or twitter so the temptations many of my classmates faced, I did not feel; but I no doubt found it extremely difficult to go without media for twelve hours.
We live in an interesting society, one that is driven by media and constant communication. I read on a classmate's blog that she found a state of relaxation in her quest to steer clear of media, and I can second that feeling. The best example I can offer from my experiences is when I have lost my cell phone. It is kind of nice to go without one for a week or so, it seems like I lose all contact with the world; there is no pressure to answer certain people or do certain things, I am free to pursue what I choose. This experiment was intriguing and as I came to find, very difficult to actually complete.
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